Sunday, July 6, 2014

Three Parks

In the past three weeks, I've been to three different skate parks.

Quite honestly, I'm skating worse than ever these days. By the time I get semi-used to the new terrain, I'm usually too exhausted to keep skating.
That, however, hasn't prevented me from documenting these experiences.

Another video.
Click Here.

The music is a bit all over the place on this one.

Shout-out to Q (again) for "Congratulations."
Shout-out to Chafe and the mix tape I made him years ago featuring "Congratulations."
Shout-out to Kate, Rob, and Mark Herndon for our Twin Peaks marathon back in '94.
Shout out to DEVO and the shirt that Jon Lyons owns.


  1. Replies
    1. Glad you watched.
      I'm a little bummed at how long the video is (four minutes seems like an eternity), but I've collected a lot of footage, so I thought I should just compile 'em all together. Short bursts of video are the way to go. Don't want to exhaust the audience. My tiny, tiny audience.

      I have footage of you, by the way, at College Park.

    2. It'd only be a threat depending on the selected soundtrack. Let's say... Angry Samoans or early Descendent ... then it would be a threat. Fortunately for you, I own neither records, and my MP3 collection is severely limited.

    3. I've already got 3 full length video soundtracks in my head. Just say the word.

    4. Good stuff! The OC footage looks slower than it must have felt. I'm sure you were going very, very fast.

  2. Benny Hill Theme works for every video I am in. Always.
