Friday, May 30, 2014


Soccer Team's playing a show tonight. This is an old photo of us, taken back before our label manager (Mr. L) forced me to change my look completely as means of selling more records. Now I'm rockin' more of that "hip vagrant from Brooklyn" style.

With my transformation from square-old-man to happenin'-young-guy, our Q now wants to change her look up, too. She asked me at practice what she should do, so rather than running through our set last Saturday, we spent our time huddled around a dry-erase board coming up with a perfect new look. 
Will there be time to acquire all these new threads before the show tonight?
I hope so.


  1. There appears to be some epic drama playing out behind you in that photo: Hutto and Q exchanging looks of longing and Kane's obvious confusion (or disapproval) as the middle man...and then you. Obliviously beaming up front.

  2. at least a thousand words of worth in that photo. Suess hats are on sale.
